Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cate Blanchett Wants a Future Canvas Too!!

Painting Canvas of the Future

By Cate Blanchett
April 15, 2008 12:00am
ANY review of a period or an era will be framed in cultural outcomes. Think back to the '50s and inevitably your mind goes to Elvis Presley, your grandmother's furniture and the rise of television. Back a little further to the Renaissance and it's Leonardo, Michaelangelo and the other artists characteristic of that time.

The lasting value and evidence of a civilisation are artistic products and ingenuity. In fact, history makes little time for the other human endeavours. That is not because they are unimportant or irrelevant it is because the arts and creativity - the makings of culture - are in fact the central endeavour of our species.

Scientific enquiry flows out of and is inspired by them, wars are fought in their defence, cities, trade and complex economies are enabled and facilitated by them.

The 2020 summit is an opportunity to dream of a co-ordination between the many important strands of our densely packed society. I believe cultural vitality and real engagement are central to many of them.

For example, education - how do we teach our children to think creatively and innovatively? Economics, how do we create an innovative and competitive economy with cities that can attract and stimulate the world? Governance, how can we maintain a population that is engaged, educated and able to formulate its own opinions?

Generally, how can we encourage lateral, creative and fresh thinking? On the day, the creative stream will grapple with issues like evolutions in practice, our role in Asia, the relationship between access to the arts and pursuit of excellence, examination of youth arts, broadcasting and media reform and the ever-present issue of Australian content.

As this is a collaborative process, the participants' ideas will form the specific agenda which is still taking shape. This summit demands we imagine and then create the future. Creativity and the arts are as elemental to that future as they are to the past. They are a link between us all and an expression of our differences.

My driving question will always be how do we consolidate and deepen all Australians' cultural engagement so that regardless and in fact because of personal preferences we are contributing socially and rewardingly to a broad and sustainable future?

See article at: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23538544-5016510,00.html

Monday, April 20, 2009

Future Canvas Thread!

Tally ho!

Welcome to the Thread, a weekly newsflash on our plan to make melbourne a 'sustainable everyday' metropolis.

Breaking news...Future Canvas received confirmation last week that it has received a very substantial grant from the EPA to support the Reforestation project. Thank you to all of those who have worked with us so capably over the last few months and continue to believe in our vision of a city abloom.

Upcoming events

Website Meeting: Wednesday April 21st, 6:00-7:00 at Em's house, a discussion of how best to move the Future Canvas website to the next stage of ease of use and content management. Please e-mail Em and Steve if you are interested in helping out steven.mckinnon@futurecanvas.org, Emily.B.Brodie@futurecanvas.org.

Reforestation Meeting: Thursday April 24, 6:30 at the Shed.

Future Canvas Meeting: Friday April 21, 5:30-7:30 at the Shed to discuss key outcomes of Michael and Mel's review of Future Canvas and get views/consensus on these changes. There will also be an update on the FC Space Launch.

Future Canvas Space Launch: Friday 8 May: Join us for a night of celebration as we toast the opening of the FC space at the Docklands.

FC Space Blitz: Sunday May 17: Join us for an adventurous day fusing art, fashion, gardening, composting and sculpture creation at Shed 4.

How you can help out

We have a superb Reforestation sponsorship proposal which we are keen to circulate. If you have any contacts who may be interested in supporting Reforestation through financial or in-kind donation please contact Ash at Ashley.Chaleyer@futurecanvas.org.

Future Canvas Space Launch: 8 May 2009: We need door people, bar people, people interested in co-ordinating a fashion show/art show, catering people, sound technicians, artists, event organisers, publicity/promotions helpers, muscle power for set up and pack up...and of course we welcome any form of sponsorship for the event! Contact joel.carnegie@futurecanvas.org

FC Space Blitz: 17 May 2009: We need marketing people, events management people, promotion people, postering people, letter drop, furniture makers, carpenters, artists, gardeners, Bolsheviks or just about anyone, Contact melissa.schellekens@futurecanvas.org

Future Canvas: If you are a grant-writing guru, finance person, film person, artist, it or web person, marketing person or just about anyone contact melissa.schellekens@futurecanvas.org

Future Canvas

The last week has been bustling for Future Canvas. Some of the highlights include:
Future Canvas had a very successful presence at the Melbourne Social Forum: April 17, 18 and 19. The Melbourne Social Forum is "a movement, a process, an event and an organization that helps to facilitate social change and the exploration of social alternatives that are socially just and ecologically sustainable." (http://www.melbournesocialforum.org). Mel, Michael, Em, Steve and Ash spoke to a range of people and developed a considerable lisf of potential volunteers/supporters.
Future Canvas is developing a range of sub-Google Groups to streamline project management and target action and e-mail traffic.The groups will come on-line early next week.These sub-groups will be the nucleus for certain activities/projects and each group will have a moderators/leaders as set out below:
Future Canvas: (the main group that we already have)
Future Canvas Reforestation: (the garden, cafe, etc)
Future Canvas Media: (inc. video production, the website, 3D media)
Future Canvas Enterprise: (the Showcase can be a project of that group)
Future Canvas Arts: (the Shed 4 art space)
Future Canvas Events: (inc. the launch party, markets, fora)
Future Canvas Partners: (aka, the committee)
Stay tuned for these groups!

Melissa Shellkens and Michael Chew have been working with Ash, Em and Steve to further develop Future Canvas' processes, strategy and general efficiency. Michael and Melissa have spent the last few weeks developing a more streamlined governance model and review of FC's development since 2007. Michael's spreadsheet will be available on the FC google group very soon, please let us know what you think.

Joel Carnegie has been working extremely hard to organise the Future Canvas Space Launch in May. Stay tuned for this event, it promises to be golden.

Over the next month Steve is running a review of FC's accounting processes to ensure this aspect of FC is being run using best practice.

Future Canvas is now on Twitter...keep an eye on our 'tweets'


The last week has been busy for Future Canvas’ Reforestation Project. Some of the highlights include:

Serious planning and organisation has begun for Future Canvas' Blitz. Meg and Emily are working on a plan for the event. Stay posted for further developments.

Melissa, Dan and Ash have begun the process of forming the Docklands Reforestation Steering Committee, a key panel of stakeholders from the Docklands area who will help to guide the Reforestation Project. This is a key initiative which will further advance the Reforestation project.

The National Australia Bank's Tanya Watkins has kindly offered to prepare a communications strategy for the Reforestation Project. This will add great effectiveness to the Reforestation project and will enable us to convey our key messages clearly and strategically. Stay tuned for for more updates.

Finalisation of the Reforestation sponsorship proposal. This has been circulated to some key potential sponsors for the project. We will keep you posted on any further developments which flow from this.

Future Canvas.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Future Canvas HQ - Artists Impression

Monday, April 13, 2009

Future Canvas Thread

Greetings !

Welcome to the Thread, a weekly heads-up on the mysterious goings on at Shed 4 in the Docklands.

Hot off the Press: See Tuesday's Age (Epicure Section, 14 April) for an article on the Reforestation Project. Also check out Steve McKinnon's update of the Future Canvas website.

Upcoming events

Reforestation Meeting: Thursday April 16, 6:30 at the Shed.

Future Canvas Meeting: Friday April 17, 5:30-7:30 at the Shed to discuss key outcomes of Michael and Mel's review of Future Canvas, gain views/consensus on these changes and start developing the art space proposal. There will also be an update on the FC Space Launch.

Future Canvas presence at the Melbourne Social Forum: April 17, 18 and 19. The Melbourne Social Forum is "a movement, a process, an event and an organization that helps to facilitate social change and the exploration of social alternatives that are socially just and ecologically sustainable." (http://www.melbournesocialforum.org)

Future Canvas Space Launch May 8th Join us for a night of celebration as we toast the opening of the FC space at the Docklands. Check out Ellie Schroeder's chic invitation on the FC homepage.

Future Canvas Space Blitz Sunday May 17th: Join us for an adventurous day fusing art, fashion, gardening, composting and sculpture creation at Shed 4.

How you can help out?

We have a superb Reforestation sponsorship proposal which we are keen to circulate. If you have any contacts who may be interested in supporting Reforestation through financial or in-kind donation please contact Ash at Ashley.Chaleyer@futurecanvas.org.

Future Canvas Space Launch: May 8th:

We need door people, bar people, people interested in co-ordinating a fashion show/art show, catering people, sound technicians, artists, event organisers, publicity/promotions helpers, muscle power for set up and pack up...and of course we welcome any form of sponsorship for the event! Contact joel.carnegie@futurecanvas.org

FC Space Blitz: 17th May 2009:

We need marketing people, events management people, promotion people, postering people, letter drop, furniture makers, carpenters, artists, gardeners, Bolsheviks or just about anyone, Contact emily.b.brodie@futurecanvas.org

Future Canvas: If you are a grant-writing guru, finance person, film person, artist, it or web person, marketing person or just about anyone contact melissa.schellekens@futurecanvas.org

Future Canvas

The last week has been bustling for Future Canvas. Some of the highlights include:

Future Canvas is developing a range of sub-Google Groups to streamline project management and target action and e-mail traffic.The groups will come on-line early next week.These sub-groups will be the nucleus for certain activities/projects and each group will have a moderators/leaders as set out below:

Future Canvas: (the main group that we already have)
Future Canvas Reforestation: (the garden, cafe, etc)
Future Canvas Media: (inc. video production, the website, 3D media)
Future Canvas Enterprise: (the Showcase can be a project of that group)
Future Canvas Arts: (the Shed 4 art space)
Future Canvas Events: (inc. the launch party, markets, fora)
Future Canvas Partners: (aka, the committee)
Stay tuned for these groups!

Melissa Shellkens and Michael Chew have been working with Ash, Em and Steve to further develop Future Canvas' processes, strategy and general workings. Michael and Mellissa spent most of last Friday developing a governance model and review of FC's development since 2007.

Joel Carnegie has been working extremely hard to organise the Future Canvas Space Launch in May. Stay tuned for this event, it promises to be golden.

Steve McGrail and Dan Mullerworth, two key pillars of the Futurelab event visited the Shed and have shown an interest in working with FC in the coming weeks. We are delighted at the prospect of working with Dan and Steve again.

Over the next month Steve is running a review of FC's accounting processes to ensure this aspect of FC is being run using best practice.

Future Canvas is now on Twitter...keep an eye on our 'tweets'

Till next time,

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Future Canvas Blitz Sunday 17 May 10am - 4pm

Future Canvas Space and Garden Makeover

The Space & Garden Blitz at Future Canvas HQ is a full-day of activities, music, art, learning and sharing aimed at bringing people from diverse backgrounds together to connect, share and design ways to live sustainably everyday. The day will result in the creation of the initial stage of the creative hub for sustainability thinkers in Melbourne and an urban community garden based at Future Canvas HQ. Overtime this hub will become a nucleus for sustainable thought, art and change in Melbourne and internationally.

The underpinning message for the day is for people to experience the power of community and creativity in achieving a transition towards a sustainable society.

Activities for the day include;

- permaculture gardening
- making funky furniture from waste
- swapping our clothing (sharing our fashion!)
- composting
- planting

Organisations from around Melbourne will be participating such as;

Permablitz, Clothing Exchange and O2.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New York Streets Renaissance

There are so many public design organisations doing amazing initiatives throughout the world to enliven their communities. Check out the New York Streets Renaissance http://www.nycsr.org/

We'll keep you up to date with other funky projects...

Future Canvas Thread - April


Welcome to the Thread, a weekly heads-up on the flurry of activity taking place at Future Canvas’ home at the Docklands.

Upcoming events

Reforestation Meeting: Thursday April 9, 6:30 at the Shed.

Future Canvas Meeting: Friday April 17, 5:30-7:30 at the Shed to discuss key outcomes of Michael and Mel's review of Future Canvas and get views/consensus on these changes. There will also be an update on the FC Space Launch.

Future Canvas Space Launch: Join us for a night of celebration as we toast the opening of the FC space at the Docklands.

FC Space Blitz: Join us for an adventurous day fusing art, fashion, gardening, composting and sculpture creation at Shed 4.

How you can help out

We have a superb Reforestation sponsorship proposal which we are keen to circulate. If you have any contacts who may be interested in supporting Reforestation through financial or in-kind donation please contact Ash at Ashley.Chaleyer@futurecanvas.org.

Future Canvas Space Launch: May 2009: We need door people, bar people, people interested in co-ordinating a fashion show/art show, catering people, sound technicians, artists, event organisers, publicity/promotions helpers, muscle power for set up and pack up...and of course we welcome any form of sponsorship for the event! Contact joel.carnegie@futurecanvas.org

FC Space Blitz: May 2009: We need marketing people, events management people, promotion people, postering people, letter drop, furniture makers, carpenters, artists, gardeners, Bolsheviks or just about anyone, Contact melissa.schellekens@futurecanvas.org

Future Canvas: If you are a grant-writing guru, finance person, film person, artist, it or web person, marketing person or just about anyone contact melissa.schellekens@futurecanvas.org

Future Canvas

The last week has been bustling for Future Canvas. Some of the highlights include:
Future Canvas is developing a range of sub-Google Groups to streamline project management and target action and e-mail traffic.The groups will come on-line early next week.These sub-groups will be the nucleus for certain activities/projects and each group will have a moderators/leaders as set out below:
Future Canvas: (the main group that we already have)
Future Canvas Reforestation: (the garden, cafe, etc)
Future Canvas Media: (inc. video production, the website, 3D media)
Future Canvas Enterprise: (the Showcase can be a project of that group)
Future Canvas Arts: (the Shed 4 art space)
Future Canvas Events: (inc. the launch party, markets, fora)
Future Canvas Partners: (aka, the committee)

Stay tuned for these groups!

Em spent a few days this week in Sydney meeting with the Greenpages team and other important Future Canvas partners and stakeholders.

Melissa Shellkens and Michael Chew have been working with Ash, Em and Steve to further develop Future Canvas' processes, strategy and general efficiency. Michael and Mellissa spent most of last Friday developing a more streamlined governance model and review of FC's development since 2007.

Joel Carnegie has been working extremely hard to organise the Future Canvas Space Launch in May. Stay tuned for this event, it promises to be golden.

Steve McGrail and Dan Mullerworth, two key pillars of the Futurelab event visited the Shed and have shown an interest in working with FC in the coming weeks. We are delighted at the prospect of working with Dan and Steve again.

Over the next month Steve is running a review of FC's accounting processes to ensure this aspect of FC is being run using best practice.

Future Canvas is now on Twitter...keep an eye on our 'tweets'

The last week has been busy for Future Canvas’ Reforestation Project. Some of the highlights include:
Serious planning and organisation has begun for Future Canvas' Blitz. Meg Argyriou and Emily Ballantyne-Brodie are working diligently on a plan for the event.

Thanks to the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, Future Canvas has been given an enormous array of mulch, wood and steel which would normally be thrown out by the show's exhibitors. Thank you Cat for organising this !

Representatives from SP Ausnet came to visit Shed 4 on Friday (despite the pouring rain) and were very impressed with the team's vision. We will keep you posted on any further developments.

Melissa Schellekens and Ash Chaleyer have begun the process of forming the Docklands Reforestation Steering Committee, a key panel of stakeholders from the Docklands area who will help to guide the Reforestation Project. This is a key initiative which will further advance the Reforestation project.

The National Australia Bank's Tanya Watkins has kindly offered to prepare a communications strategy for the Reforestation Project. This will add great effectiveness to the Reforestation project and will enable us to convey our key messages clearly and strategically. Stay tuned for for more updates.

Finalisation of the Reforestation sponsorship proposal. This has been circulated to some key potential sponsors for the project. We will keep you posted on any further developments which flow from this.